Each month, GHEA aggregates the latest news and research related to place-based cancer control and geographic health disparities. Below you will find the latest posts, updated regularly throughout the month.
(Last updated: August 19, 2022)
General Cancer Control News and Research
- The CDC recently released a new summary guidance, Minimizing the Impact of COVID-19 on Individual Persons, Communities and Health Care Systems.
- Researchers find that specific proteins secreted by tumor cells could lead to early diagnosis and treatment of metastatic breast cancer.
- A clinical trial examined a strategy for increasing shared decision making for colorectal cancer screening by physicians and older patients.
- A study examined the feasibility and efficacy of a self-guided digital tool in helping cancer survivors manage their fear of cancer recurrence.
- Researchers find that residential proximity to fracking sites is associated with higher risk of childhood cancer.
- A study finds that smoking, alcohol use and high body mass index are the greatest contributors to developing cancer and almost half of global cancer deaths are attributed to these factors.
- A UK study found that if genetic risk for prostate cancer was examined in general practice, there could be improved referrals and earlier diagnosis for men at high risk.
- A study finds that between 2012 and 2019, there was a decline in opioid prescriptions for cancer pain and chronic non-cancer pain for privately insured adults in the U.S.
- A Canadian study found that provinces that annually screen women aged 40-49 had lower proportions of advanced breast cancer compared to women aged 50-59 from provinces that did not hold annual mammograms.
- New research from the American Cancer Society finds that in 2019, there were two million life-years lost and $21 billion in lost earnings annually due to smoking-associated cancer deaths.