Each month, GHEA aggregates the latest news and research related to place-based cancer control and geographic health disparities. Below you will find the latest posts, updated regularly throughout the month.
(Last updated: January 18, 2023)
General Cancer Control News and Research
- For men diagnosed with intermediate or high-grade prostate cancer, it has been found that PET/MRI imaging can accurately determine whether their cancer is likely to return within two years of prostate removal surgery. This information will help physicians identify patients who need more frequent monitoring.
- Recent research has found that a new approach to treating locally advanced cervical cancer, personalized brachytherapy, may be significantly more effective than current treatments.
- A new implantable device may be able to target tumor cells without damaging the immune system. This discovery would reduce the immunocompromising effects of cancer treatment.
- Researchers have found that cancer patients, particularly those with hematologic cancer, have an increased risk of breakthrough infections of COVID-19 after vaccination.
- By targeting the disease at a molecular level, a new discovery may enable treatment of prostate cancer in patients previously resistant to treatment.
- A recent study found that exposure to Salmonella bacteria may increase the risk of developing colon cancer.
- Researchers have found that specialized immune cells can detect and remove cancers that would normally go unrecognized by the immune system.
- While rates of death from cancer are declining overall, rates of death from prostate cancer rose 15% between 2014 and 2019.