Each month, the Geographic Health Equity Alliance (GHEA) aggregates the latest news and research related to place-based cancer control and geographic health disparities. Below you will find the latest posts, updated regularly throughout the month.
(Last updated: July 17, 2023)
General Cancer Control News and Research
- According to a recent study, higher cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with a lower incidence of colon cancer and a lower risk of death due to lung cancer in men.
- A new study found that the combination of commercial tobacco use and the human papillomavirus (HPV) increases an individual’s risk of head and neck cancer.
- A recent study found that repeated COVID-19 vaccination strengthens immunity to the disease in patients with blood cancer. It was particularly effective after the fourth COVID-19 booster, leading to the production of higher quality antibodies which results in lower antibody levels being needed to successfully fight the infection.
- A recent study found that a catch-up HPV screening intervention can improve cervical cancer prevention in women aged 65-69.
- According to a recent study, high intensity interval training can help decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with breast cancer.
- A recent study found that individuals with low food security had significantly lower rates of cervical, colorectal prostate and cancer screening when compared to those who are food secure.