Each month, the Geographic Health Equity Alliance (GHEA) aggregates the latest news and research related to place-based cancer control and geographic health disparities. Below you will find the latest posts, updated regularly throughout the month.
(Last updated: May 10th, 2024)
General Cancer Control News and Research
- According to a recent article, commercial tobacco cessation boosts treatment outcomes for patients diagnosed with laryngeal cancer.
- A recent study shows that survivors of breast cancer are at a higher risk of developing second primary cancers.
- A recent report from the American Cancer Society shows that Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander people are 2 to 3 times more likely to die from certain cancers compared to White people.
- The CDC recently highlighted 5 ways clinicians can help prevent premature deaths in rural communities : 1) increase cancer prevention and early detection, 2) help patients quit smoking, 3) encourage physical activity and healthy eating, 4) treat opioid use disorder, and 5) screen patients for high blood pressure.
- A recent study suggests that women 65 years and older that have been diagnosed with high-risk breast cancer and are treated with chemotherapy are more likely to suffer from a decline in physical function.
- The United States Prevention Services Task Force now recommends that women who are 40 to 74 years old and are at average risk for breast cancer get a mammogram every two years.