CADCA’s 23rd Annual Mid-Year Training Institute is a world-class training event that brings together substance use and misuse prevention leaders and advocates interested in making a positive impact in their community. This year, Mid-Year will be held in-person from July 14-18, 2024 in Chicago, IL, and will offer a large variety of sophisticated training sessions and workshops related to substance misuse prevention, dynamic keynote speakers, and networking opportunities.

GHEA has worked closely with experts in the field to curate workshops that are relevant for commercial tobacco-prevention and control professionals. Check out our sessions below, as well as other sessions that are focused on coalition building, youth engagement and promoting health equity.

If you are interested in participating in this professional development opportunity, you still have time to register for Mid-Year. View the training session grid for details on each session.


From Ripple to Wave: The Power of Networking in Your State

Monday, July 15th 10:30 AM-12 PM

Do you have Drug Free Communities grants in your state? Do you connect with them to learn about strategies they are using or what kinds of resources they have? In this 90-minute presentation you will learn about the Illinois Prevention Network (IPN). The mission of the IPN: a collaboration of coalitions and organizations working to create and maintain safe, healthy, and drug-free communities in Illinois. The IPN provides opportunities for prevention workers to learn from each other and share their resources, knowledge and strategies. Originating in 2020, the IPN started as a large group that came together during the National Leadership Forum in 2019. The IPN meets monthly, where members can network, learn about current topics, legislative updates, and Marijuana/Vaping/Advocacy and more. The IPN works together as a state to identify areas of focus, explore new funding sources to effectively execute projects while using an evidence-based approach for prevention programs.


Racial Equity as a Substance Abuse Prevention Methodology

Monday, July 15th 10:30 AM-12 PM

Substance abuse has long plagued communities across the globe, disproportionately affecting individuals from marginalized racial and ethnic backgrounds. Recognizing the complex interplay between race, substance abuse, and health disparities has prompted researchers and policymakers to explore innovative methodologies for prevention and intervention.  The role of systemic racism is embedded within institutions and societal norms. It significantly contributes to racial disparities in substance abuse rates and consequences. Historical inequities in access to education, healthcare, socioeconomic opportunities, and housing have perpetuated social determinants of substance abuse in racial minority communities. By acknowledging the role of systemic racism in shaping substance abuse patterns, interventions can target the underlying roots of the problem and provide equitable solutions through policy changes, social programs, and culturally sensitive prevention efforts.


Combining Cannabis and Commercial Tobacco Prevention in Washington State

Monday, July 15th 2-3:30 PM

In 2021, Washington State became the first state in the nation to combine its Commercial Tobacco Prevention Program with Cannabis Prevention and Education efforts, forming the Youth Cannabis and Commercial Tobacco Prevention Program. During this session, we will engage in a facilitated audience-involved community conversation that hones in on the overlap that exists between cannabis, commercial tobacco, and vapor products. We will discuss how our program is structuring itself for long-term success following this integration and how attendees can take steps to apply these lessons learned. Attendees will also learn successful activities and strategies implemented by partners in the last three years and how those activities can be utilized in their own local work.


Empowering Youth: Safe & Sober Spaces Campaign Case Study for Coalition Engagement in LA

Monday, July 15th 4-5:30 PM

The Safe & Sober Spaces Committee, a vital initiative within the Community Action Network Coalition, is dedicated to fostering inclusive environments for LGBTQ+ youth in Los Angeles. This presentation aims to outline our approach to empowering youth in identifying, assessing, and recognizing safe and sober spaces for themselves and their LGBTQ+ peers. By involving youth members from the ages of 14 to 18 in field research, data analysis, and community care, we aim to create sustainable, affirming environments year-round. Our presentation will highlight the transition from a seasonal campaign lead by adults who serve youth, to a continuous effort, emphasizing the active involvement of our Youth Leadership Team and youth involvement.


Transforming Youth Discipline and Justice with Restorative Practices

Monday, July 15th 4-5:30 PM

Transforming school discipline and criminal justice policies from punitive to restorative practices for youth struggling with substance use disorder saves lives. School administrators and prosecutors face challenges to find the most effective response when a young person violates the law or code of conduct for drugs or alcohol. Stephen Hill brings a unique perspective through his work as a criminal defense attorney, recovery coach, and youth motivational speaker. His work was inspired by his own adverse childhood experiences—out-of-school suspensions, removal from school sports teams, felony convictions—and the stigma that came with it. Stephen’s training helps people recognize how the best interests of individual offenders and communities align more than most people think. Stephen reveals innovative solutions for schools and communities to develop systems to achieve better outcomes for young people facing behavioral and/or criminal justice challenges because of substance use disorder.


Partnering for Success in Reducing Tobacco Use Among African Americans

Tuesday, July 16th 8:30 AM-12 PM

Martinsville and Henry County, located in southwest Virginia, have historically had the highest rates of substance use in the state, including tobacco. African Americans face a higher rate of tobacco-related deaths compared to others in the community. Partnering with an African American fraternity was crucial to expanding our outreach and addressing tobacco-related disparities. We were selected by the Virginia Department of Health as the Lead Agency to work on this issue. Our community has seen some of the highest rates of tobacco, cancer, and drug use in the state. Additionally, racism, a significant issue in our community, has been linked to heightened stress levels in African Americans, increasing their vulnerability to nicotine initiation and addiction, as reported by the American Medical Association. By partnering with a local fraternity, we’ve been able to devise an innovative approach to this issue.


Everyone Deserves to Be Healthy

Tuesday, July 16th 1:30-5 PM

Everyone deserves a fair and just opportunity to be healthy no matter where they were born, live, work, play, or worship and regardless of race, age, or sexual orientation. This session will introduce a framework that identifies conditions in our communities that disproportionately impact health outcomes and how coalitions are positioned to address them.


How to Frame Data for Maximum Policy Impact

Wednesday, July 17th 8:30 AM-12 PM

Coalition voices are critical in the process of promoting policy changes that will save lives and improve community outcomes regarding alcohol and other drug use. Attendees will be able to learn the inside scoop about how to effectively advocate for primary prevention. Attendees will learn more about what to expect from meetings with policy makers and how to communicate messages important to their coalitions. The session will show adult leaders how to frame specific messages to yield the biggest impact on their intended audiences. These communication skills will be invaluable for advocating at the local, state, and federal level. Attendees will walk away being able to frame an issue in a way that gains support through changing beliefs/attitudes from a problem towards a solution.


Lessons Learned from Youth Engagement Against Big Tobacco

Wednesday, July 17th 10:30 AM-12 PM

This session will explain how tobacco control partners have attended Commercial Tobacco Industry Shareholder Meetings and how these activities can be implemented focusing on other substances (alcohol, cannabis, vaping, kratom, etc) to bring awareness of industry practices: how the industry affects our local communities through the products they sell and how they are marketed, how they interfere in local and statewide laws and identifying their partners in this interference. Session will layout a plan on who to focus on, how to collaborate on a national activity, and how this activity helps with local and statewide policy change.


Let’s Talk Story: Taking a cultural approach to health equity

Wednesday, July 17th 3:30-5 PM

Like many cultures, Native Hawaiians are story-tellers and collectors. This session will help coalitions understand the importance of hearing the voices of their communities they serve, building the stage for them to be heard, and giving them the spot light. All communities being served by the coalition needs a seat at the table, representing who they are and the people they represent.