Networking for Health Equity is the alliance of eight CDC-funded National Networks focused on reducing tobacco and cancer-related health disparities. Each month, GHEA shares upcoming webinars, events and other resources from our fellow National Networks.
(Last updated: July 28, 2023)
July 2023
- National Council for Mental Wellbeing hosted a webinar titled, “Cancer and Mental Wellbeing Education Series: A Psychological Collaborative Care Approach” on July 6th.
- National Council for Mental Wellbeing hosted office hours to discuss “Tobacco Use Disorder Integration” on July 11th.
- National Council for Mental Wellbeing hosted a webinar titled, “Addressing Tobacco and Mental Health Challenges in Pregnant Individuals: Part 1” on July 20th.
- National Native Network hosted a webinar titled, “Tobacco and Vaping Cessation in Tribal Communities: Moving from Concept to Action” on July 18th.