GHEA is partnering with SelfMade Health Network and Nuestras Voces Adelante to host a 4 part webinar series on policy, systems, and environmental change strategies that address upstream SDOH that contribute to increased cancer burden. This series will focus on HPV vaccination, broadband access, food security and the built environment.
- Part 1: “Advocating for Policy Change to Support HPV Vaccination” was held on February 22nd. In this webinar, Dr. Whitney Zahnd from the Advancing Cancer and Rural Equity (ACRE) Lab at the University of Iowa walked through steps to articulate the need for HPV vaccination-related policies at various levels within states and described data sources, policy levers, and partnerships necessary to advocate for meaningful change. The webinar recording and slides are now available.
- Part 2: “Advocating for Policy Change to Support Expansion of Broadband Access” was held on March 21st at 1:30 PM EST. In this webinar, Dr. Whitney Zahnd from the Advancing Cancer and Rural Equity (ACRE) Lab at the University of Iowa walked through steps to articulate the need for broadband access-related policies at various levels within states and the impact that broadband access has on cancer prevention and control. Additionally, it described data sources, policy levers, and partnerships necessary to advocate for meaningful change. The webinar recording and slides are now available.
- Part 3: “Integrating Nutrition and Healthcare: The Essentials of the Food is Medicine Initiative” was held on Thursday, April 18th, 2024 from 2:00 PM- 3:00 PM EST. This webinar featured Heather Latino from Harvad Law School’s Food Law and Policy Clinic, Meghana Sai Iragavarapu from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Pranaya Pahwa from Harvard Law School. The panelists will address how Food is Medicine (FIM) bridges the gap between our healthcare and food system, emphasizing the crucial role of nutritious food in preventing and managing chronic illnesses and enhancing overall health. This presentation defined the Food is Medicine approach, detailing its practical applications, benefits, and the funding strategies supporting these programs across the country. The webinar recording and slides are now available.
- Part 4: “Introduction to Built Environment Approaches for Addressing Health” was held on May 7th at 12 PM EST. In this webinar Taylor March from Missourians for Responsible Transportation, a non-profit advocacy group addressing the built environment in rural and urban settings in Missouri, led us in looking at upstream cancer prevention through built environment approaches. Using examples from the experiences of MRT’s work in Missouri, attendees gained insights into harnessing the power of environmental interventions to address social determinants of health and reduce cancer burden. We looked at the built environment’s role in shaping health outcomes, particularly in cancer prevention. With a focus on policy, systems, and environmental changes, we delved into the intersectionality of factors such as urban planning, infrastructure, housing and the policy history of the United States’ development patterns in mitigating cancer risks. The recording and slides are now available.