Networking for Health Equity is the alliance of the 9 CDC-funded National Networks focused on reducing tobacco and cancer related health disparities. Each month, GHEA shares upcoming webinars, events and other resources from our fellow National Networks.
(Last updated: March 13th, 2024)
March 2024
- The SelfMade Health Network is hosting this final webinar in their webinar series titled “Pathways to Health Equity: Expanding Community-Clinical Linkages to Improve Health Outcomes Among Low Income Populations Nationwide” on Wednesday, April 10th at 1 PM EST. Registration is now open.
- The National Behavioral Health Network for Tobacco and Cancer Control is hosting their monthly Tobacco Use Disorder Integration Office Hours on Tuesday, April 9th at 2:30 EST. Registration is now open.
Additional Professional Development Opportunities:
- The CDC Foundation Health Equity and Strategy Office is hosting a panel discussion on their new report “Strengthening Partnerships Between Governmental Public Health and Community-Based Organizations” on March 26th at 1 PM EST. Registration is now open.
- Counter Tools is hosting a webinar titled “Health Point of Sale Webinar: Derived Psychoactive Cannabis Products” on April 3rd at 12 PM EST. Registration is now open.