Visit the State Cancer Profiles Website

The State Cancer Profiles website provides data, maps and graphs to help guide and prioritize cancer control activities at the state and local levels. The Profiles website characterizes the cancer burden in a standardized manner to motivate action, integrate surveillance into cancer control planning, characterize areas and demographic groups and expose health disparities. Interactive and dynamic graphics and maps provide visual support for deciding where to focus cancer control efforts.

The website brings together data collected from public health surveillance systems and users can explore data from all 50 states, Washington D.C.. and Puerto Rico. This resource is intended for health planners, policy makers, epidemiologists and cancer information providers who need quick and easy access to descriptive cancer statistics.

Data Topics Collected (Across the Cancer Control Continuum)

  • Demographics
  • Screening & Risk Factors
  • Incidence
  • Prevalence
  • Mortality

Additional resources including tutorials, quick reference guides and table and graph descriptions are available.

The website is a collaboration of the National Cancer Institute and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For more information, please contact