Comprehensive cancer control programs have a unique opportunity to provide a blueprint for addressing rural disparities within their states. GHEA, along with the University of Iowa’s Advancing Cancer and Rural Equity Lab, hosted a 4-part webinar series to help comprehensive cancer control programs meaningfully include rural in their program planning processes. We encourage you to watch and share the recordings below.
Webinar #1: Defining and Describing Rural Communities in Comprehensive Cancer Control Planning
Webinar one will focus on how “rural” is commonly defined and what data sources are available to describe the rural cancer burden and cancer risk factors to incorporate into comprehensive cancer control plans. Completed on June 6, 2022.
Webinar #2: Building Rural-Focused Partnerships in Comprehensive Cancer Control Planning
Webinar two will discuss how to build partnerships with rural partners and highlight state plans and consortia who have ensured rural voices are at the table. Completed on August 16, 2022.
Webinar #3: Setting Rural-Focused Goals and Strategies in Comprehensive Cancer Control Planning
Webinar three will provide best practices for developing goals, objectives, and strategies that address both the unique challenges and strengths of rural communities. Completed on September 22, 2022.
Webinar #4: Identifying and Implementing Evidence-Based Strategies in Comprehensive Cancer Control Planning
Webinar four will highlight examples of evidence-based strategies for cancer control and how these have been effectively implemented in rural communities, organizations and clinical settings. Completed on October 26, 2022.