Dr. Whitney Zahnd from University of Iowa’s Advancing Cancer and Rural Equity (ACRE) Lab hosted a webinar titled, “Barriers and Successful Strategies for Engaging Rural Populations in State Comprehensive Cancer Control Planning: Program Manger Perspectives” on September 25th, 2023.
In the webinar, Dr. Zahnd shared findings from interviews with comprehensive cancer control program directors regarding rural inclusion in state comprehensive cancer planning processes. This included barriers, successful strategies, and strategies for future plan development.
Please see below for links to the recording and other resources:
- Barriers and Successful Strategies for Engaging Rural Populations in State Comprehensive Control Planning recording link
- Webinar slides
- One pager on the Best Practices for Including Rural Perspectives in State Comprehensive Cancer Control Plans
- Full journal article
- Rural Health Information Hub and the Health Resources and Services Administration have email lists that provide information on grants for network development and similar opportunities