Update: This collaborative launched in September 2020 and applications are closed. If you have any questions about this opportunity, or are interested in participating in a future collaborative, please contact us at ghea@cadca.org

The Geographic Health Equity Alliance, Nuestras Voces Network and Selfmade Health Network are excited to announce the inaugural 2020 Tri-Networks HPV Vaccination Learning Collaborative for Comprehensive Cancer Control (CCC) programs and partners. The collaborative is designed to help build the capacity of state CCC programs to improve HPV vaccination rates among populations with low SES characteristics (low-SES), Hispanics and geographically disparate communities. The learning collaborative will highlight best and promising practices from the field for improving HPV vaccination rates in the areas of programs, policy and communications.

The collaborative is a 12-15-month commitment that will include up to four virtual learning sessions and two, 30-minute office hour sessions for each state. Up to 10 state CCC programs will be selected for participation in the collaborative. CCC programs selected will have an opportunity to identify two designees to participate in the collaborative.


State must have identified or intend to identify geographic disparate; Hispanic; or populations with low-SES characteristics as the intended audience to be impacted by intervention activities.

Requirements for Participation:

  1. Must submit letter/application of interest
  2. Participate in all learning collaborative activities (virtual and annual in-person convening)
  3. Participate in feedback/follow-up survey

Learning Objectives:

As a result of participation in the HPV Learning Collaborative, state comprehensive cancer control program and their state coalition will be able to:

  1. Identify and implement evidenced-based activities to improve HPV vaccination among specific populations.
  2. Conduct strategic communication campaigns to improve awareness and adoption of EBS to increase HPV vaccination.
  3. Adopt and implement policy (legislative and institutional) strategies to increase HPV vaccination.
  4. Improve knowledge on HPV vaccination for cancer prevention.